Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A brief photo history of what we've done since this summer to get the farm started.

Soil testing to know what we needed to add to the soil for good veggie production.
First bed tilled!
The maiden soil block voyage.
 Tilled and planted, mostly cover crop but some veggies. Doing small trials of different crops to see how they do during fall and winter.

Fall Beets

Lacinato Kale
Tennis Ball Lettuce

Home-made transplant trays we'll be using next season to hold the soil blocks while the transplants grow.

The cover crops were probably planted a bit too soon. They are very lush but will probably not be as cold hardy.

After frosts things are still rocking

Tennis Ball lettuce with first snow!

 Things are going good. We didn't have much expectation so we have been pleased to see how things have done so far. Last week we had abnormally cold temperatures for this early in the winter and some things didn't make it. I'll post soon with the details.

Monday, November 29, 2010


So, Facebook wasn't exactly what I like for updates and pictures so we're going the blog route. Should be fun, easier to follow I think. Check often!!